“Only if we argue on the basis of the smallest common reality will we not only be arguing on the spot, but also moving forward.”

– Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim

Let’s make this reality tangible!

We founded BorgNetzWerk – Association for the Networking of Free Knowledge

, a German based charitable non-profit organisation (NPO). We are a team of Volunteers who came together


the amount of available information vastly exceeds what any human can comprehend,

, despite the Wikipedia community and thousands of great science and news journalists already reviewing and curating this massive flood of information. Not to replace any current efforts, but to compliment and connect them,

we want to

build a digital library for all the different sources of free knowledge,

, with great references like various Wikimedia Libraries, the Open Research Knowledge Graph, and the Open Educational Resources Search Index. We know that none of them can cover all informative, educational and scientific knowledge, so we identify what they need to thrive, help and support them, and build a platform for all content in between the gaps, such as

  • science communication media, including videos, podcasts, articles, essays, blog posts,
  • news articles, political speeches, educational material
  • free and accessible tools
  • and actors, including individuals and organisations, esp. charities and NPOs


finding out what knowledge means,

with questions such as

  • Can you ever truly “know” something?
  • Is there something like an “objective truth”?
  • What can we work with in search for the “truth”?
searching for free and open knowledge,

with questions such as

  • What does “free” or “open” imply?
  • Which rights and requirements should be considered?
  • Which kinds of explicit knowledge can we find?
connecting and curating this knowledge,

with questions such as

  • What are the limits of Wikis like Wikipedia and Knowledge Graphs like the ORKG?
  • What can we learn from their approaches to knowledge curation?
  • How can we connect Wikipedia, ORKG and BNW knowledge and beyond?
building and using tools for public access,

with questions such as

  • Which workflows, processes and tasks are required to reach our goals?
  • Which tools exists that make our tasks easier?
  • How can we sustainably develop tools for open collaboration?
collaborating and distributing the tasks,

with questions such as

  • Who else is already working on this, and which problems and solutions do they have?
  • How can we help with our knowledge, tools and skills?
  • What can we do to eneable newcomers to onboard?
and communicating the entire process.

With and for you, and everyone else!