
BorgNetzWerk – Gesellschaft zur Vernetzung Freien Wissens e.V.

Learn more about our association, perspectives from inside and outside and the Transparent Civil Society Initiative Report.

We are a Germany based, non-profit charitable “Association for the Networking of Free Knowledge”.

As a charitable non-profit organisation (NPO), we are an association with the goal to connect the Free Knowledge avaialble in the world.

According to the german layout of charitable causes, our goals can be summarized as the fostering of

  • Science and Research,
  • Education and
  • civic engagement in favor of charitable and benevolent and charitable purposes

We were founded in 2023 and run entirely by volunteers. The funds and donations are used solely for supporting our charitable endeavours, like funding maintainance or legal advice.

These voluntarely efforts, alongside mandatory reports to the german tax office and self-commitments like the transparency report, ensure that we maintain our values on this journey towards

A common reality.

Satzung (german statute)
Beitragsordnung (german membership contribution rules)



Transparency International Deutschland e.V. (Transparency Germany) is the national chapter of Transparency International.

They started the “Commitment of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative”, which urges every civil society organization to make ten basic points accessible to the public. These include the articles of association, the names of key decision-makers and information on the source of funds, use of funds and personnel structure.